Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer Fun

A year ago for Kendrick's birthday we bought him this little pool. Unfortunately last year it never got out of the box. So today was the day Mark decided to get it out and fill it. Kendrick had a total blast splashing around and playing. Kendrick has always enjoyed water and I think he is going to spend MANY happy hours in his pool. After Mark left for work Kendrick and I went out to gather up the "animals" so they wouldn't blow away in the thunderstorm we had tonight. We are so thankful that we haven't had any tornadoes or really bad weather yet this spring. Our hearts and prayers go out to so many who have lost homes and even loved ones this spring due to tornadoes and flooding. I am so thankful to know the "Master of the Storms" for He also knows how to calm them. Hopefully it won't be as long between posts next time!


Noah and Heather said...

Looks like fun! We are running temps in the high 90s-100s every day now, so water is always a great way to cool down.
Kendrick is getting so big. We are still hoping to come home this summer, so hopefully we will get a chance to see all of you.

Jill Damon said...

That is so cute! You can tell he does enjoy the water!

Tanjala said...

Glad to see an update but I guess I have no room to talk :-) Looks like kendrick was having a blast!!